Oro CRM Upgrades 1.8 or less -> 2.0.5

Need any help updating your OroCRM Instance? We’ve got you covered. Contact us today. You’ll need to make sure that you upgrade any version prior to 1.10 up to atleast 1.10 before going to 2.0 Also, if your running php 5.5 or below, you will need to move to php 7 once your running on 1.10.

We’ll use pretty much the below commands to make sure everything is running fine:

git config core.fileMode false
git pull
git checkout 1.10.17
composer install --prefer-dist --no-dev
chown www-data:www-data -R ./*
rm -rf app/cache/*
sudo -u www-data php app/console oro:platform:update --env=prod --force
sudo -u www-data app/console cache:clear --env prod

# now update the system to php 7 – this is a dedicated server, right?

# now upgrade to 2.0.5
git checkout 2.0.5
composer install –prefer-dist –no-dev
chown www-data:www-data -R ./*
rm -rf app/cache/*
sudo -u www-data php app/console oro:platform:upgrade20 –env=prod –force
sudo -u www-data php app/console oro:platform:update –env=prod –force
sudo -u www-data app/console cache:clear –env prod

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